Argumentative Essay Free Education

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Free Education for America’s Youth
Argumentative Essay
Abby Griego
Lamar Community College Comp. 1 Abstract
This paper explores how many countries outside the United States have free education for its students and how it helps them better educate themselves to be more successful in the real world. The paper will discuss whether or not free education, like in other countries, could help America follow in the path and give America’s students the free education the students need to help them succeed too. There have been multiple studies online that show how free or cheaper education encourages students to want to further their education after high school.
Keywords: education, free, successful Free Education for America’s Youth It is true
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After high school, many families cannot afford to send their children off to college to receive a higher education. With today’s society, a higher education means a better paying job, and without it the chances of succeeding in today’s economy are slim. It is important to make college affordable for everybody so everyone can have the same opportunities. After all, America is known as the “land of opportunities.” Because college is so expensive, only around 61% of high school graduates attend, which is not horrible, but it could be improved …show more content…
The economy and job market is at an all time high for its competitiveness and if college were free thousands of more people would competing for the same job, and it would increase the competition for jobs.(Odyssey). People would get desperate in times of work and settle for working in fast food, like they are now because a paycheck is a paycheck. People of America need the competitive drive and willpower to want to go to school and achieve their dreams, but if everyone has that opportunity then it is not as

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