Hitler's Anti-Comintern Pact, 1936

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Anti-Comintern pact ,1936 was signed between two powerful dictators. It was wise for Hitler to include a dictator like Mussolini and Italy and later Japan to build his opposition against the communist. Hitler is using Mussolini who is the leader of the fascist movement and his admiration, Which “was soon expanded to include the major Asian power Japan in the Anti-Comintern pact in which the three nations” constructed an opposition against the comintern(Communist). It’s wise because two of the most powerful countries during this time are signing to an agreement with Hitler to oppose communist and this will only strengthen hitler’s power as Chancellor of Germany. This helped Hitler maintain his power being that he was in an agreement with Japan and Italy. He now has to countries that are siding with him and this is making him more powerful and makes it easier to control and manipulate people and other countries.Another thing was that Hitler had a small number of opposition and if any opposition arose they not only had to deal with Hitler but if they were communist they also had to deal with Japan and Italy according the agreement signed. This helped Hitler create a more solid base of power and made it easier for him to control and manipulate others to get what he wanted. This specific foreign policy was on the beginning of many more foreign policies that would be used to his advantage and make him more powerful and gain the resources needed to rule of Germany and make them a stronger country than what they were before Hitler. The terms of this pact was broken by Hitler when he signed the Nazi-Soviet pact in 1939. Hitler never really had loyalty to any countries, he only had loyalty to himself and the Nazis. The Anschluss,1938 was Hitler’s dream come true.Hitler was determined to make Austria part of Germany and was successful in making Austria a part of Germany. …show more content…
Hitler had dreamed of making his birthplace of Austria a part of Germany and now that he is Chancellor he now has the opportunity and power to do that. In 1938 Hitler ordered his troops to mobilize on the Austrian border and demanded that the Austrian government to allow Austria to become a part Germany. In response the Austrian government surrender to Hitler demands and resigned and was replaced by Nazi cabinet. “The huge welcome he received,vote, vindicated his actions.” The Anschluss was very rewarding for Hitler and is something that can be history for Hitler to remember. This not only made Hitler happy but it also made Germany happy because they are further expanded and has access to more resources. This was a beneficial to Hitler as it now was something that Hitler would remember as history for something that would build his reputations and legacy. The Anschluss expanded Germany, one of Hitler’s foreign policy goals. Hitler knew what he needed to do to achieve his foreign policy goals and the Anschluss 1938 was a step toward achieving those goals. Hitler used his personal connection to Austria and his ability to control to make Austria a part of Germany and further expand his country. German recovery of the sudetenland,1938 would create conflict in the long run. Hitler managed to succeed and use Czechoslovakia to expand Germany. Hitler had wanted to expand Germany and the Nazis

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