Annotated Bibliography

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A. (2015, November 02). Meat consumption and cancer risk. Retrieved October 01, 2017, from

This article will show how The World Health Organization has determined the dietary factors, “accounting for at least 30% of all cancers in Western countries and up to 20%” in developing countries.” (A., 2015, para 1) The World Health Organization explains in further details how cancer researchers started to search for relations among nutrition and disease, one of the more obvious conclusions was that people who eluded eating meat were less likely to acquire an illness. To further substantiate their claims, WHO doctors evaluated Seventh-day Adventists, a religious
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(2015, May 14). Antibiotics, pig treatment and pigs: Should I eat pork? (n.d.). Retrieved October 04, 2017, from

In this article Oaklander explains how Consumer Reports “dug into the unsavory details of pork production in a 2013 investigation, in which they tested 198 samples of pork chops and ground pork across the U.S. Oaklander goes on to inform the audience on how Consumer Reports found potentially harmful bacteria on most of the samples.” (Oaklander, 2015, para. 4) Urvashi Rangan, the Director of consumer safety and sustainability at Consumer Reports, describes how even though he knows that the analysis “found some antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria on the pork it studied, but that these bacteria were resistant to antibiotics, which lessens the effectiveness of these drugs for all of us,”. (Oaklander, 2015, para. 5) This editorial gives a “bottom line” on eating pork. After reading this article, I have come to the belief that pork can be the nastiest meat you can eat from either an environmental, animal activism or culinary
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that 67% of human diseases are of animal origin.” (Main, 2017, para 4) This article is also useful because it goes into detail about how pork coming from the United State in banned in certain countries. This is due to the overuse of a drug called ractopamine. In my paper, I will also go into detail on how united states pork production has recently come under possession of a Chinese company, but cannot be sold in

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