Here you will note your response to the article. Was the article well written? What was the article’s overall hypothesis? What would you have added or changed about the article? What findings surprised you? Overall, I enjoyed the article, I thought the information was relevant, however I thought that some of the descriptions were confusing to the reader, and it was difficult to figure out what they were referring to. The hypothesis was that children who are raised by depressed or poor mothers have lower levels of behavioral and developmental skills than mothers who are not poor or depressed. I think that there should be multiple studies showing these results, and possibly a more recent study. I also think that during the study, instead of the mothers self-reporting, a nurse or physician should be reporting. I was truly shocked that …show more content…
I think this could possibly be because males and females have different brain patterns, and even at young ages, this shown. It is often said that girls can multitask, when boys cannot, maybe this is why young girls make connections in their brain, that affect the way they