Thesis Statement: We should adopt verified strategies developed by other countries to finally end this “War on Drugs” that has wreaked havoc on our society for almost half a century, by fostering organized crime while turning otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals.
Caulkins, J. P., Reuter, P., Iguchi, M. Y., & Chiesa, a. (2005). How goes the "War on drugs" : An assessment of U.S. drug problems and policy. Retrieved from Rand Organization:
This is a report on the “War on Drugs” by the Rand Oganization, and focuses on the history, present and future of the U.S. drug policies. The show both the successes and the myiod of failure of this …show more content…
Timothy A. Hickman is a professor of history at the Lancaster University, United Kingdom. This is his first published paper and it focuses on the history of drug addiction and drug policies. This article shows both the pros and cons of our current drug policies and leave it to the reader to make a decision. He shows how the current policies have damaged society, and also the problem that replaced them in the countries that have repealed such policies. Though Dr. Hickman is writing from a European perspective, his elucidation of the pros and cons of the current world drug policies and the implications of reversing them, apply to most first world countries (Hickman, 2010). I believe that because some of the claims made here refute my claim, it helps prove that Dr. Hickman is non-bias and a great resource. I could use his arguments as an …show more content…
P., Reuter, P., Iguchi, M. Y., & Chiesa, a. (2005). How goes the "War on drugs" : An assessment of U.S. drug problems and policy. Retrieved from Rand Organization:
Drug (2015). Drug War Statistics. Retrieved from Drug
Hickman, T. A. (2010). Why strict drug laws work (and why they do not). Retrieved from Amsterdam Law Form:
Nadelmann, E. (2014, October). Why we need to end the War on Drugs . Retrieved from TED Talk: