Khazan, Olga. "The Shadow Network of Anti-Vax Doctors." The Atlantic. 18 Jan. 2017. Accessed 19 Jan. 2017.
In this article Khazan talks about how both traditional and anti-vaccination doctors will help patients altogether avoid or delay vaccines. Khazan sheds light on both sides of the debate, giving reasons for both parties. New-age mothers are wanting their children to not be vaccinated out of fear of diseases that could potentially be contracted from the vaccination. On the other hand, children need to get their vaccinations if they are going to attend public school. President Trump may take control of the vaccine schedule …show more content…
The ideas that are different from the above article are as followed: vaccine-preventable diseases have not gone away, they will keep you healthy, they are important to your overall health as diet and exercise, vaccines can be the difference between life and death, vaccines will not give you the diseases that they are working to prevent. The author's reasons were legitimate and were well explained.
"Why Should I Vaccinate my Child?" Vaccinate Your Family. Accessed 1 February 2017. explained some of the reasons previously stated by different articles by using statistics. They explain that serious diseases are still out there and that in 2012 there were 48,277 cases of whooping cough reported to the CDC, along with 20 whooping-cough related deaths. The 48,277 number has gone down a lot since then now that people are becoming more and more educated, but it still is not totally eradicated.
Cohen, Elizabeth. "Should I vaccinate my baby?" CNN Medical Correspondent. 19 June 2008. 1 February …show more content…
Perkins starts his article by explaining the difference between vaccinations and immunizations. A vaccination is when something is being injected into the body, but it does not always create immunity for your body. Perkins explains that the way vaccines are tested is from a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Apparently vaccines are not tested in this way because it would be unethical to not give a child a vaccine because if that child dies of something that could have been prevented, they do not want to be responsible. Instead of performing an RCT, researchers see if the person builds antibodies to the invader, which is the vaccine. If antibodies are built, it is lead to be effective. Dr. Perkins goes on to talk about every vaccine that is given to infants explaining why they are all bad and not a risk anymore to newborns. He brings up some interesting ideas, especially with how vaccines are tested. But I have to wonder how he is getting all this information and what kind of doctor he is himself. Is he a naturopathic doctor? Is that why he is so anti-vax? Most of Dr. Perkins reasons were backed up by his own personal reasoning alone and had little to no