Social History: The patient is married and has two female children, aged 19 and 17 years old. She has a high school diploma and works as a hospital registration clerk. The patient does not drink alcohol or use illicit drugs but she smokes 8-10 cigarettes daily. She is sexually active in a monogamous relationship with her husband.
Review of Systems:
General constitutional symptoms: Patient denies fever, chills, sweats, fatigue, unexplained weight change. The patient states she has good hydration and nutritional intake. Patient well kept, dressed well and appropriate mood.
Skin, Hair Nails: Patient denies rashes, jaundice, pruritus discharge, or any new skin abnormalities, bruising or bleeding.
Head: The patient denies headache or head pain and denies head or neck trauma, pain or limitation of range of motion to head or neck.
Eyes: Patient reports no visual disturbances. Patient denies eye pain, eye swelling, eye discharge, eye dryness or