Which is one of the most fastest way to breed from a good cow Tom Burke, K. S. (1996). Yet there was one insedent that through this process lead to the death of a ver good cow. Topp Hill Annie; cause of death is uknown but it had to do with either the surgery or the the process of pregancy either way she died. Yet when all hope fails another black angus cow comes and saves the day Albern Duchess known as “the cow that made the world believe in embryo transfer” she was the once who was able to have the transfer be possible Tom Burke, K. S. (1996). She was such a good cow not just fro her unique ablities she had produced a cow that is considered her daughter R&J Duchess was known to one of the top selling cows of her time ranging around $56,000 which amazing around the time imagine 15 others just like her Tom Burke, K. S. (1996). Cloning was a interesting process at the time it was not really explained yet the only recored known clone black angus cow is Cirlce A Lucy she was produced from the cells of a donor. How cloning works is kinda confusing. So cloning mean not creating a clone but breedign a cow with the exact features the process is also vagely presented Tom Burke, K. S. …show more content…
Now each cow must have the basic need lots of food shelter water nutrients and the proper medical properties; but some cow are significantly different. We have been able to make unique substances fo the cows so they might be able to sustain problem; two known substances are Rock Salts. (Dorothy S. Mull 1).You may have noticed but if you go by a ranch and see cows licking or bitting blocks well there is an eplanation for that; the blocks are made out of unique salts powered down and that are iodized with minerals that do a number of things for the cows; each block has different perks to it; some have the ability to help bread down food or it makes them amune to sicknesses as long as they eat the block of salt and keep it in there stomachs they should stay amune but still it is not good to eat a lot (Dorothy S. Mull 1). Every cow has a perpose yet the breeds that are used for meat production but be regularly produced which in this case we have to have a lot of cows coming in so that they be buchured and they solution for that is well they we must produce baby cows. Which means breeding; now one way to make breeding sucessful is to make sure the cows are healthy and eating the right food (Jenkins2). We see how healthy or how well the cow is by their energy; energy produced is determined by what they eat, there environment, the rate of growth, energy is required for