Uncertainty In Nursing

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(Mishel, 1988, as cite in Neville, 2003) define uncertainty in illness as the inability to determine the meaning of illness-related events, assign definite values to objects and events, and/or accurately predict outcomes. Mast (2006) says there are four factors that represent aspects of uncertainty and include: ambiguity, complexity, inconsistency, and unpredictability. Mast (2006) emphasizes that when a patient receives information about an illness that is representative of any of these four factors, uncertainty about their illness is more likely to occur. McCormick (2002) states that uncertainty is a major component of the illness experience and can dramatically affect psychosocial adaptation and outcomes of disease. Uncertainty is usually …show more content…
Delivering comprehensive information allows the nurse to function as a credible authority, therefore strengthening the stimuli frame by enhancing disease predictability and reducing the overall ambiguity regarding symptoms (Mishel & Clayton, 2008). Understanding the reasons for a patient’s uncertainty can help nurses communicate valuable information to the patient and may assist nurses in how they manage or reduce a patient’s uncertainty (Mishel & Clayton, 2008). The negative influence of uncertainty on psychosocial outcomes during illness reinforces the importance of the nursing assessment and nursing interventions (Mast, …show more content…
Mishel (2006) goes on to say that uncertainty is the highest or most distressing to a patient when they are awaiting a diagnosis.
(Koocher, 1984, as cite in Mishel, 2006) says uncertainty regarding an illness has been identified as the greatest single psychological stressor for a patient with a life threatening illness. In addition to greatly affecting patients with life-threatening illnesses, uncertainty can also affect those in all phases of illness, from pre-diagnosis symptomatology to diagnosis, treatment, treatment residuals, recovery, potential recurrence, and exacerbation (Mishel & Clayton, 2008). By recognizing a patient’s uncertainty and by providing simple explanations to a patient, a nurse can greatly reduce a patient’s ambiguity and increase a patient’s understanding (Mishel & Clayton, 2008). Helping a patient to reduce their uncertainty and allowing the patient to become more comfortable with their illness trajectory is an invaluable gift (Mishel & Clayton, 2008). These simple gestures show how valuable nurses can be to a patient experiencing

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