Finding Nemo is an animation that revolves around family and all the forms it can take. Forms like Marlin and Dory’s sister/brother relationship, or Nemo and his tank family taking the form of a foster home and many other sub relationships. …show more content…
They were able to capture the intricacy of the ocean, providing the perfect reflections and shadows, including all the creases and cuts of its corals. One of the most compelling scenes was where Dory and marlin were jumping over the jellyfishes, the scene itself doesn’t add much to story development, however, everything about that scene seemed so pure and childlike despite the danger jellyfishes pose, as well as the gracefulness of the jellyfishes which opposes the bashfulness of the due and that juxtapositions are captivating to me. The ocean is one of the headrest things to imitate perfectly via motion picture due to its inconsistency …show more content…
Each character was distinct in their personality and look. Marlin provided the movie with a sensitive yet firm and protective role almost oppositely to Dory as she was seen as the comic relief of the movie making light when necessary, while Nemo showed us the curiosity and determination of children and all other sub characters tied everything together sprinkling just enough personality that we’d remember them but never take our concentration from the three main characters. The dialogue itself was very versatile ranging from funny to longing from scared to joyful it managed to take me through all the emotions as if I were both Nemo and marlin as helping us invest in these characters, cheering them on as they achieve their goal step by step. The script itself was memorable providing us with lines like Dory’s famous lyrics “just keep swimming, swimming” another unforgettable line comes from a discussion between Nemo and his friends as they try to see who will be able to touch the boat but end up mispronouncing the word which leaves us with “I touched the butt!”. Adding to the script was the music as it escalated that sentiment that I felt via speech and when no dialogue is provided it replaces it in the sense that music or lack of it intensifies the situation the characters are in. Some people argue the lack of memorability in the music stating that its very un-Pixar-like bringing down its