Many people accomplish their goals with hard work and determination, an excellent example of a person who lived The American Dream is Andrew Carnegie. He was born in Scotland and belonged to a poor family. Carnegie’s father worked as a weaver for a living, so the effects of the revolutionary affected his family as well. Andrew’s father ended up without a job and to escape the depression in Scotland, they immigrated to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania in the year of 1848. By the time they immigrated to Pittsburg, Carnegie was a teen. He was forced to work as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory instead of going to school to pursue an education. Later on, Carnegie’s uncle knew someone who offered him a job as a telegraph messenger boy and over time he was upgraded to work for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as a telegraph operator. Throughout all of his hard work in job employments and promotions, Carnegie kept reading and learning as much as he could to gain knowledge for a better and more successful future. His persisting work permitted him to move forward and go above and beyond in the company he works in, this action lead Carnegie to becoming the superintendent of …show more content…
Carnegie made a smart move by surrounding himself with brilliant advisors and making huge investments in new equipment, as well as many other alterations, making it possible for him to aggressively increase his wealth. In the 1870’s the first steel plants were built by Carnegie’s new Company, the Carnegie Steel Company. Although, later on in 1901, the Carnegie Steel Company was sadly sold to a man named to John Pierpont Morgan for the price of $400 million. After the next decade or so, Carnegie’s fortune tripled. He spent ten years trying to give away money to people in need of it, he still remained with $180 million. Carnegie helped build over 2,500 libraries throughout the English-speaking world. Andrew Carnegie’s life story of rising up from being a poor boy in Scotland to being the second richest man living in America is one of history’s best inspirational stories to exemplify a person fulfilling their American Dream. The question still remains: Is the American Dream still thriving among the greater Washington? Now, for the past thirty years workers have changed their employment patterns. The percentage of workers who belong to a labor union was high at the beginning of the past thirty years, but as the years passed, that percentage slowly decreased. Labor unions are