Was Athens truly a democracy? Athens was not a democracy because, the government members were the ones who determined who was a citizen, who obtained rights to vote, and who was a slave. An example would be, citizen men, only of Athens could vote, women and metics were not allowed to vote. This would prove that it indeed was not a democracy, and was proven to be a oligarchy, where as high social class and men would be making the calls, even though stated by Pericles, that social class should not interfere. (Document A, B) A council would gather once a year to see if anyone was a threat to democracy, if the answer was yes, two months later, they would come back with the name of the person and remove them from that political area.…
Ancient Greek democracy appears to have ended as a result of both internal and external factors. Like the subsequent Roman Empire, the Athenian state appears to have over-reached in its militaristic ambitions, ultimately weakening it; while the relative strength of other empires enabled them to take Greece over. The imposition of rule by foreign empires finally ended Greek democracy. From internally, Athens moved from being a defender of its own nation to an aggressor though it would have no doubt maintained that this was in its national security interests. One of the consequences of this aggression and ambition was the loss of the alliances that had helped repel the Persians and in some cases their subjugation (Brand, n.d., p.28).…
I think the athens democracy is in Document B, that the child has to be born with both citizen parents. The child has to be 18 to free born and be a citizen. The kid can’t be a called a citizen if he or she doesn't have a mom or dad. In Document C, the men are the only ones to vote. The women, children, metics and slaves can’t vote.…
“It is more democratic by being government by the people instead of government by those elected by the people. It is less democratic by narrowing down the concept of demos to mean the adult male citizens in assembly” (Doc D). The Athenian democracy was generated on a belief that the common man could be contingent…
The Athenian government consists of a Democratic government. In theory, a Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Taken from that theory of the Athenian Democracy, the “people” referred to men over the age of 18 who were born from Athenian parents. Men ruled the government, where they were able to vote and make political decisions regarding the country. Women, foreigners and slaves were not allowed to participate in the government at all.…
Ancient Athens Argumentative Essay Democracy is the government that everyone gets a say in everything. Ancient Athens was supposedly one of the few truly democratic societies. The question is, were they truly democratic. There are people on both sides of the issue.…
Ancient Greece was the very first democracy in history, and their beliefs in Freedom and Liberty for their citizens. The two types of freedoms were political (Governed by their own laws), and individual (do what we want). Freedom is the Central theme associated with democracy. After Greece’s downfall, democracy was not known again till the American Revolution. History is made by Great People.…
Athenian Attitudes Toward the Authority of State Through the Eyes of Plato and Sophocles The first evidence of democracy, a government in which the citizens have say in the rulings, was discovered in Ancient Athens. However, when we study Athenian history, we focus on the democratic system of government and tend to overlook the Athenian citizen’s points of view. Through close examination of the writings of Sophocles and Plato, one can discover that the Athenian’s respect towards the governing power, changed during the Classical Athens period. Although the Ancient Athenian government seemed to have control over its people, Antigone of Sophocles and Crito of Plato reveal that from 441 BCE to 360 BCE, the citizens began to lose respect for the…
The government of Athens was an oligarchy. The leader Solon responded by making changes. He allowed more Athenian men to participate in the government. In the early 500s BCE, another leader, Cleisthenes, created a full democracy. All male citizens had the right to vote about issues in the Ecclesia, or assembly.…
And while it may be true that Socrates is skeptical of democracy, his criticisms are true: democracy has substantial weaknesses, and he does right by pointing them out. Athens has lost a war, which is proof that the democracy has terribly failed. In the past year, Athens has witnessed a bloody civil war between the oligarchs and the democrats, showing the weaknesses of each Faction (Carnes, M. C., & Ober, J. (2004)). Now is the time for a true revolution,…
Before Ancient Athens had a democratic government, it was ruled by aristocrats or tyrants. Peisistratus became the tyrant of Athens in around 546 BCE (Blackwell). He ruled for 19 years until he died of disease (Aristotle). Afterwards, his two sons ruled Athens together for another 17 years. Their names were Hippias and Hipparchus.…
References “Athenian democracy”, (n.d). Retrieved January 30, 2017 from…
In Athens instead of the domes voting on these bills(like many modern societies), they would inform the public and allow for citizens to vote on every action proposed by the domes, in order to be a citizen in the deme, you would have to prove that you are a male, over 18 years of age, and that you 're not a slave. These rules on voting were huge steps from previous societies, because it actually gave a lot of power to the people, although the amount of people was minimal. This type of democracy is called a direct democracy because the public vote on almost if not every action in the…
The defeat of the Persians marked the beginning of Athenian political, economic, and cultural dominance. In 507 B.C., the Athenian nobleman Cleisthenes had overthrown the last of the autocratic tyrants and devised a new system of citizen self-governance that he called demokratia. In Cleisthenes’ democratic system, every male citizen older than 18 was eligible to join the ekklesia, or Assembly, the sovereign governing body of Athens. Other legislators were chosen randomly by lot, not by election. And in this democracy, officials were sworn to act “according to the laws what is best for the people.”…
Was ancient Athens truly democratic ? To say about how Athens was more of a democratic civilization, it was not because of how most things that certain people are allowed to do in the city it was because there was not much laws and our order between one another. but between the democracy and the city of Athens it was not so secure about their laws or order because of how most people were citizens at some weren’t because of how they were born in the city with their parent but their parents came to Athens as uncivilized people. But in order to be a citizen there in Athens you would have to be born there and also your parents to be from there as also to be able to have law and order in the population of the city. Also as of how men had more…