The Cookie Monster’s Cookie Dough Recipe specifically highlights the attention and motivation aspect of affective design. What motives the viewer to make the cookie dough, go to their kitchen, and buy all of the appliances and ingredients is not that they want to cook, but because of the Cookie Monster. The ethos of the character, Cookie Monster, represents the epitome of cookie and cookie dough itself: his admiration for cookies, devouring cookies, and simply indulging each and every cookie. He is a character that is broadly only known for his Cookies, even his name has “Cookie” in it. What grabs the viewer’s attention is that the Cookie Monster is so associated with cookies that he has his own cookie dough recipe. As well, the title “Cookie Monster’s Famous Cookie Dough” attracts the viewer to make the cookie dough and then make the cookies. Viewers’ themselves get to experience what the Cookie Monster experiences. That is, also trying the cookie dough and cookies that he is always raving about. The title and recipe also motivate the rest of the affective design, especially the colour. The design’s colour is monochromatic and incorporates a cool colour, blue, which is similar to Cookie Monster’s fur (Lipton, 31). There are some light blue tones, but the primary colour is on the one blue tone. There is also black and white contrast that enhances the drawings and text so that there is a division between the elements. The blue associates with the Cookie Monster, who is a blue furry puppet. While, similar to the cognitive design, there are grey tones throughout the design that contrast with the dark blue against the spray-painted background (31). This helps to outline the recipe, but also helps the iconic blue colour to remind the viewer that this is indeed Cookie Monster’s
The Cookie Monster’s Cookie Dough Recipe specifically highlights the attention and motivation aspect of affective design. What motives the viewer to make the cookie dough, go to their kitchen, and buy all of the appliances and ingredients is not that they want to cook, but because of the Cookie Monster. The ethos of the character, Cookie Monster, represents the epitome of cookie and cookie dough itself: his admiration for cookies, devouring cookies, and simply indulging each and every cookie. He is a character that is broadly only known for his Cookies, even his name has “Cookie” in it. What grabs the viewer’s attention is that the Cookie Monster is so associated with cookies that he has his own cookie dough recipe. As well, the title “Cookie Monster’s Famous Cookie Dough” attracts the viewer to make the cookie dough and then make the cookies. Viewers’ themselves get to experience what the Cookie Monster experiences. That is, also trying the cookie dough and cookies that he is always raving about. The title and recipe also motivate the rest of the affective design, especially the colour. The design’s colour is monochromatic and incorporates a cool colour, blue, which is similar to Cookie Monster’s fur (Lipton, 31). There are some light blue tones, but the primary colour is on the one blue tone. There is also black and white contrast that enhances the drawings and text so that there is a division between the elements. The blue associates with the Cookie Monster, who is a blue furry puppet. While, similar to the cognitive design, there are grey tones throughout the design that contrast with the dark blue against the spray-painted background (31). This helps to outline the recipe, but also helps the iconic blue colour to remind the viewer that this is indeed Cookie Monster’s