(Quantity with Quality vs. Rush with Stress)
Fact: We rush through life with no time for our own health, for no time with parents, children nor even with our God-given companion: our spouse. What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare? To marvel at Gods creations? To visit Natures Bounty, beautiful places and diverse people who we watch only on discovery Channel? Do we today have a choice wrt the time we get up in the morning, the time we sleep, the time we can eat, socialize, attend to family emergencies/ or are we at the beck and call of career and business responsibilities and pressures?
Do you enjoy your work? Do you feel satisfied, valued and recognitions at your place of work? Do you have a best …show more content…
Can you give time, money and emotional mental solace to those in a natural calamity? To society to help clean up some injustice? To a good cause? To do what is right?
How do you spend your spare time? Excess money? 10% income that you keep aside for tithe, for religious community improvements? Do you personally ensure that the money reaches the right people in a timely manner?
Three keys to a productive, fruitful life (DAILY FEAT BEAT BEAD):
(DAILY habits: Positive FEATs, BEAT Negatives, BEAD of actions)
Reside & abide in God throughout the day. Esp. first 15 minutes of your day spend in prayer, meditation, self talk, read scriptures, attitude of gratitude. BELIEF. FAITH.
Receive knowledge from positive books, CDs, tapes, and positive people. Convert knowledge to wisdom thru Positive Action with mentorship & counseling. EDUCATE. ACT.
Return in full measure. Give to receive. Coach, mentor, guide others. TEACH. DUPLICATE. One BEAD at a time; string it on the thread of consistent action; choose to make life your positive and productive by learning and improving with every event and person you meet.
~ John Maxwell (adapted