There is not a single submission slope in the Mountain Apolaia that Barry fails to go on. Although his father prohibited him from ever going down the pride slopes because of the fatality in the past, every day Barry is out there, in the mountains, he feels the enormous temptation to go down the more dangerous slopes. Almost daily Harry has to confront Barry on the matter because Barry had grown to be way too stubborn. Barry could not comprehend that his father wants only the best for him. He thinks his father did not trust him as a skier; that his father is unnecessarily afraid of him skiing in the pride slopes. And so, he decides to prove him wrong. Without making any noise, Barry grabs the old GOPro he keeps stored in his bedroom, leaves a note in his bed, and heads out to the
There is not a single submission slope in the Mountain Apolaia that Barry fails to go on. Although his father prohibited him from ever going down the pride slopes because of the fatality in the past, every day Barry is out there, in the mountains, he feels the enormous temptation to go down the more dangerous slopes. Almost daily Harry has to confront Barry on the matter because Barry had grown to be way too stubborn. Barry could not comprehend that his father wants only the best for him. He thinks his father did not trust him as a skier; that his father is unnecessarily afraid of him skiing in the pride slopes. And so, he decides to prove him wrong. Without making any noise, Barry grabs the old GOPro he keeps stored in his bedroom, leaves a note in his bed, and heads out to the