The definition for Rape is unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent( are the number one for the most rape cases around the world, unlike men who are less than ten percent. Rape usually happens because of jealousy or just the sexual attraction to someone but the victim not wanting to have any sexual interaction with that person. Females don 't want anyone to know what happened or what would have happened, so leading to not reporting these kinds of cases. There are many kinds of rapes but in Speak the rape that happened to Melinda the main character was in Statutory Rape which is when you are raped between the ages of sixteen through eighteen, and she was raped by a ex-friends boyfriend which was her friend.The other types of rapes that their is are Date Rape which is a rape that would happen at the relationship or date. Spousal Rape is when the husband or wife is raped by their spouse. Child Rape is when the guardian rapes the child between ages fourteen or younger. Gang Rape is when 3 or more people rape the victim, and the last rape that is really common is Statutory Rape is when those who are raped are between sixteen through eighteen(Opposing Viewpoints).Studies shows that most rapes are commonly found at Fraternities(EBSCOHost) Mostly the reason that some don’t know that they were raped until they wake up and find evidence. At college parties you are over two times more likely to get raped by someone slipping Rohypnol, a drug into your drink which would make you pass out and forget everything and even anything that happened to you(Opposing Viewpoints).The symptoms that are caused by Rohypnol have long and physical effects. The long term effects emotionally are shame, fear and rage. The physical effects are bleeding, soreness, broken bones, difficulty
The definition for Rape is unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent( are the number one for the most rape cases around the world, unlike men who are less than ten percent. Rape usually happens because of jealousy or just the sexual attraction to someone but the victim not wanting to have any sexual interaction with that person. Females don 't want anyone to know what happened or what would have happened, so leading to not reporting these kinds of cases. There are many kinds of rapes but in Speak the rape that happened to Melinda the main character was in Statutory Rape which is when you are raped between the ages of sixteen through eighteen, and she was raped by a ex-friends boyfriend which was her friend.The other types of rapes that their is are Date Rape which is a rape that would happen at the relationship or date. Spousal Rape is when the husband or wife is raped by their spouse. Child Rape is when the guardian rapes the child between ages fourteen or younger. Gang Rape is when 3 or more people rape the victim, and the last rape that is really common is Statutory Rape is when those who are raped are between sixteen through eighteen(Opposing Viewpoints).Studies shows that most rapes are commonly found at Fraternities(EBSCOHost) Mostly the reason that some don’t know that they were raped until they wake up and find evidence. At college parties you are over two times more likely to get raped by someone slipping Rohypnol, a drug into your drink which would make you pass out and forget everything and even anything that happened to you(Opposing Viewpoints).The symptoms that are caused by Rohypnol have long and physical effects. The long term effects emotionally are shame, fear and rage. The physical effects are bleeding, soreness, broken bones, difficulty