Community support can be from family, friends, but most of all from people who have the same disability. Deaf culture is possibly one of the greatest examples of community support. The Deaf are proud people and come together to motivate and encourage others in their culture. In the clip, Not Hearing Loss, Deaf Gain the teacher asks her students a question. “If someone invented a pill you could take it tonight and tomorrow you would wake up hearing how many of you would take it?” None of the students said they would have taken the pill. They have found that in being deaf, they have gained community, identity, and perspective compared to hearing people. Particularly, community gives them friends any place they go. Relatedly community support helps in accomplishing ambitions or goals. The example of Yessie’s protest from “Good Kings Bad Kings” can be used once more. Yessie’s protest would not have achieved what it did without the help of the other children in the institution, as well as another group of disabled people from a place called Access Now. Without the help of Access Now, Yessie and her friends most likely would not have carried out the protest successfully. Access Now took each of the children to a gas station to use the bathroom and also brought them food and drinks to keep their strength up (Nussbaum 254). Community support is essential to both gaining equal rights and confidence. In terms of friends and family, on the other hand, they are most essential in mainly the confidence of
Community support can be from family, friends, but most of all from people who have the same disability. Deaf culture is possibly one of the greatest examples of community support. The Deaf are proud people and come together to motivate and encourage others in their culture. In the clip, Not Hearing Loss, Deaf Gain the teacher asks her students a question. “If someone invented a pill you could take it tonight and tomorrow you would wake up hearing how many of you would take it?” None of the students said they would have taken the pill. They have found that in being deaf, they have gained community, identity, and perspective compared to hearing people. Particularly, community gives them friends any place they go. Relatedly community support helps in accomplishing ambitions or goals. The example of Yessie’s protest from “Good Kings Bad Kings” can be used once more. Yessie’s protest would not have achieved what it did without the help of the other children in the institution, as well as another group of disabled people from a place called Access Now. Without the help of Access Now, Yessie and her friends most likely would not have carried out the protest successfully. Access Now took each of the children to a gas station to use the bathroom and also brought them food and drinks to keep their strength up (Nussbaum 254). Community support is essential to both gaining equal rights and confidence. In terms of friends and family, on the other hand, they are most essential in mainly the confidence of