First, the audiences easily identify the lines in this photo, namely: the handrails, the road marking, various trees and electric lines. The lines have different directions, but for the sake of brevity, the verticals ones will not be discussed. The main lines in this photo are the ones that direct the audiences’ eyes on the road. They are the easiest to track, due to the high contrast of the color white, compared to the tone of other objects. The far end of the road on the left is also surrounded by the different contrast of the trees, which suggest a sense of destination, and is the place where the eyes will be lead. Secondly,
First, the audiences easily identify the lines in this photo, namely: the handrails, the road marking, various trees and electric lines. The lines have different directions, but for the sake of brevity, the verticals ones will not be discussed. The main lines in this photo are the ones that direct the audiences’ eyes on the road. They are the easiest to track, due to the high contrast of the color white, compared to the tone of other objects. The far end of the road on the left is also surrounded by the different contrast of the trees, which suggest a sense of destination, and is the place where the eyes will be lead. Secondly,