A defining feature of all species is their use of speech to communicate with each other. In Bisclavret, when he is turned into a werewolf for good, there is no mention of him verbally making any noises-speech, growling, or otherwise. Yet, those close to the werewolf seemed to have a connection to Bisclavret and understand his motives. One occasion of this phenomenon is when the knight who married his wife entered the room, he attacked him. But the knights and other townspeople
A defining feature of all species is their use of speech to communicate with each other. In Bisclavret, when he is turned into a werewolf for good, there is no mention of him verbally making any noises-speech, growling, or otherwise. Yet, those close to the werewolf seemed to have a connection to Bisclavret and understand his motives. One occasion of this phenomenon is when the knight who married his wife entered the room, he attacked him. But the knights and other townspeople