Bad News Poem Analysis

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I enjoy reading the stuff that Ted Koosier writes. He is extremely descriptive which allows for me to picture what he is talking about in my head as I read. I have never really enjoyed poems at all but reading this book has been persuading my interest about out them. The poem called Bad News is quite saddening. Even though he never really says what the phone call was about in the poem you can only imagine. It reminds me of the time my uncle was hospitalized. There were never phone calls about him dying. However, my grandma always tells us stories of how she would always wake up in the middle of the night and pace around the house just hoping that everything was going to be fine with him. My uncle had been diagnosed with cancer in his …show more content…
Before she got back my dad and I walked over to her house to wait for her to get back from the hospital. As we were waiting he told me how discouraged my grandma was feeling about my uncle. As he talked to me a tear rolled down my check. When she got home my dad talked to her about it for a little bit. When I noticed how rough of shape my grandma was in I quickly grasped her and threw both of my arms around her giving her a gigantic hug. Squeezing tighter now I was able to feel her crying due to the hiccup like breaths taken between each tear. Tears then started to roll out of my eyes down my check and onto her navy blue sweater that she had been wearing. Moments later my dad wrapped his long ape-like arms around the both of us and held onto us tightly. Tears were now rolling down all of our faces and a couple moments after we dispersed from the hug. My dad then made the both of us smile by saying, “How about I mix you a drink.” Both my grandma and I giggled which was followed by a sniffle to clear the congestion that had built up in our noses from crying. Things are better now as my uncle is back to being healthy. He hasn 't had any complications since and is now able to do his dialysis right at home which makes it a lot easier and more convenient for him. He is still working on the farm along with my seventy year old grandpa and is loving life. Hopefully nobody in our family will be getting

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