Abortion Should Not Be A Woman's Right Analysis

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Abortion Should not be a Woman’s Right
In 1973, the Supreme Court of the USA ruled that the abortion laws in the state of Texas and all other states were unconstitutional. They justified the killing of a baby in the womb by declaring that they were not “persons” entitled to the protections of our constitution. They also ruled as immaterial, ancient rationales of discourage illicit sex and protect women. The court overruled thousands of years of human law in one decision. This analysis will discuss rationales that support abortion and then discuss the following aspects of the ruling that make it an incorrect decision. These areas include: suppose the Supreme Court was wrong and detail the results of the genocide; abortion has not helped American
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Abortion is not chosen by the vast number of women who become pregnant as a result of violence. “For example, it is commonly assumed that rape victims who become pregnant would naturally want abortions. But in the only major study of pregnant rape victims ever done, Dr. Sandra Mahkorn found that 75 to 85 percent chose against abortion. This evidence alone should cause people to pause and reflect on the presumption that abortion is wanted or even best for sexual assault.” (Reardon, 2014) Pro-abortion sources still push rape as a major justification for abortion and ignore the life of the baby. There is even biblical support for not aborting a baby conceived during rape. In Samuel II chapter 13, David’s daughter Tamar was raped by her half-brother Amnon. She and her baby lived in the house of her full brother Absalom for the rest of their lives (The Rape of Tamar, …show more content…
Since 1973 349 women have died from legally performed abortions. This source gives their names along with a short description of their death. This site also has many sources and articles about women hurt by abortion medically and psychologically. It is a prolife source. I could not find data at the CDC to support or refute abortion induced death. (Life Dynamics , 2014) The Kermit Gosnell case is an omen that abortion clinics are not properly regulated, thus negating abortion statistics kept by the CDC. In 2010 his Philadelphia clinic was raided and he was eventually convicted of murdering babies that were born alive during abortion. Pro-abortion forces had been so strong that his clinic has not been inspected for 16 years. Babies were murdered and many women contacted sexually transmitted disease their due to the unsterile conditions (Kilff, 2013). The safety of abortion in many locations is clearly suspect after this

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