First-time possession was punishable by at least a year in federal prison and a minimum fine of one-thousand dollars (Adams 27). However, bodybuilders still found ways to buy steroids. On the street, steroids often are referred to as juice, gym candy, pumpers, stackers, weight trainers, and gear (Adams 27). People still inject steroids to this day despite the major risks of disobeying the law.
Personally, I know a couple individuals who take steroids. They talk openly about their usage and fully understand the possible side – effects. They each started taking steroids at a very young age. One started in eight grade and the other in ninth grade. They knew very little at the time, but took a strong, oral pro hormone known as RPN Havoc. The main ingredient in this pro hormone is Epistane, and it converts into an anabolic steroid once digested through the liver. Neither of them experienced any negative side – effects from Havoc. However, they both gained fifteen pounds in a month while lifting only three days a week. Furthermore, as they began