The Zombie Genre

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The origin of zombie, also known by “zombi” or “zonbi”, according to Christie (2011), Farghaly (2014) and Platts (2013) has its roots tracing back to Haitian folklore of Vodoun (Voodoo or Vodou) magic (Christie 2011, p. 10; Farghaly 2014, p. 8; Platts 2013, p. 549). It is a product of the supernatural, combined with a vague applied science of pharmacology (Farghaly 2014, p. 9). Here, we shall examine the cinematic (North American) version of zombie which is vastly different from its Haitian predecessor. From its humble beginning as a subculture confined to cult classic movies, to its eventual branching out to video games and graphic novels. As well as how the contemporary zombie genre served as an embodiment of our paranoia, its entrance …show more content…
548). According to OGG (2011), the bulk of the profits comes from the following areas, “DVD sales, video games comic books, novels, Halloween costumes, zombie walks, merchandise, conventions and zombie art.” On top of that, “websites, homemade movies, Facebook sites, YouTube channels and even music” contributed a considerable amount to the growing market (OGG 2011). Henceforth, it is extremely advantageous to sample a sizable portion and study how people within the segments of this genre spent their time consuming the content generated and the reasons that compel to them to do so. First, the age range would be preferably set between 18 to 40 years. Since this sample size is a relatively young age range and 18 years old is the minimum age of consent for most places. While at the same time, the probability of them being technologically competent is high as well. Since studies have shown that there is a negative correlation between age and the leisure use of the internet (Rugg 2007, p. 30). A combination of descriptive and analytical surveys would be useful in this case (Wimmer & Dominick 2006, p. 179). The reason behind this, is to understand that most people within this age range have full time commitments such as employment or academic studies. Henceforth, the most probable time that they will spend time to indulge in their interests, would definitely be during their leisure hours, not necessarily confined to the weekends. Next, the sampling size would be targeted at a range between 500 and 600 (factoring the possible percentage of non-response rate), covering mainly three different media platforms (TV, movies and video games), as these are the likely areas with high numbers of probable consumers. The reasons for such number as it is manageable and serves as a form of “pretesting”, especially if it is the first time one

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