There are so many truths that people want you to believe just because they say it is so, when you found a live hood on that belief it can be shaky. Because it didn’t come by your own mindset but through someone else’s strong belief in it. When I’m sometimes in a crowded room I can voice my opinion and just shut down immediately, which is why I don’t feel my opinion counts in a way. There are other lyrics in this song they say “1 for all and all for 1…lift up your voice/ Let love cut through the American noise…you’ve got a voice and a song to sing… sing your own song take all the noise/ and make into music.” Just listening to that part with my ear buds just gives me hope that I will be heard even though I’m crying in my closet having a pity party. The way you can hear the piano throughout the whole song gives me a sense of clam empowering that while weeping my endure in the night, joy comes in the …show more content…
I couldn’t imagine the song using different instruments or even a techno version of it. This is one of the songs where an acoustic version would not be better than the original. If you changed this song into the hard/heavy rock song that the band is widely known for, it would ruin the song. It wouldn’t have same feel to it which means the meaning of the song would be changed. Noise has a negative connotation that is displayed in this song. Where the noise of anger and frustrations of this world are louder than the sounds of hope and love. The only way that the noise can be counter fought is that you have to join in the chorus of the people that are cheering for and about love and hope. When you are what you feel like you lack in life you gain insight to what’s really important and forget about the