Ancient Rome’s republic was ruled by two consuls who held the highest position of power. Consuls could decide political and military action and proposed legislation, much like our president today. Under these consuls, there was the senate which was made up of around 300 patricians who voted on who the consuls should be. These chosen patricians were very similar to our modern day senators and governors. The senate and the consuls kept the power between the two in check. This is essentially the same way that congress keeps the …show more content…
Rome decided on everything and if you weren’t under Roman rule then you probably weren’t on the same continent as Rome. Rome not only had physical power but it’s influence was felt throughout the entire world. The only other nation with as much influence and power on a global scale is the United States. The U.S. is by far the most dominant force in the world and it’s influence is felt all around the world. Some people hate the U.S. just like some hated Rome. Some would give anything to be apart of the U.S. just like some would’ve given anything to be a part of Rome. The United States also has the same amount of military dominance, it’s just showed in different ways. Rome conquered foreign lands and would invade countries in order to rule them. The United States has never lost a war and has only invaded a country in order to free it of an oppressive government or occupation. The main difference is that Rome’s goal was to control while ours is to free of