Adventure and discovery are a major …show more content…
Not seeing a person’s beauty can result in terrible consequences. This can be seen in Hawthorne’s The Birth-Mark. The story is based on a man of science named Alymer and his wife Georgiana. Georgiana had a birth mark on her cheek since birth, which Alymer grew increasingly troubled with. He saw the birth mark as an imperfection, “Alymer objectifies his wife, initially idiolizing her as an object of beauty, and then later reconceives her as flawed, requiring “improvement”.” (Tritt). Of course, since Alymer dislikes the birth mark, he wanted to remove it from his wife to make her “perfect”. Being the scientist he is, Alymer worked to remove the birth mark from his wife’s cheek, though once done successfully tragedy filled the air. Georgiana passed away due to the procedure, “Yet, had Alymer reached a profounder wisdom, he need not thus have flung away the happiness,” (Hawthorne 2653). Had Alymer seen the beauty of his wife and seen the birth mark as a charm, he would not be a widower. He valued his happiness over the life of his wife. This story serves as an example of what the early Americans did to the natives and slaves. They were blind to the value of human life and wanted to use them for their own happiness. Resulting in the Trail of Tears and numerous counts of torture under slave owners. Because of these cases, it can be said that American’s lost their way. Luckily there were some who could serve as examples of what being an American is all about. Names like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are just a few of the many remarkable Americans to