How does it work? If you're a cop you use DNA fingerprinting to figure out who was at your crime scene. First you would collect traces of body tissue from the scene. You can do this by taking a sample of blood that was found at the crime scene, skin scraped off in a struggle, or pieces of hair found around the scene. The forensic guys then take the DNA off the sample you brought in. They compare it to other convicts that they have DNA from. So if someone has not been arrested before, they probably don't have your DNA. If they do find a match then they know who was at their crime scene. DNA fingerprinting also works if you want to find out if you are related to someone. You would take a piece of their DNA and a piece of someone else's DNA, and you would have to send it into a lab. They will look at the DNA and see if there is a match between the two tf them. They will send you back the results. …show more content…
He was actually working on “Human Genetic Variation.” He had no interest in researching forensics. “Completely by accident we came up with what proved to be the world's first DNA fingerprint. We realised we had solved a problem we had never set out to solve” (site 2). His invention was first used to identify a british boy whose family was originally from Ghana. Then in a police case to identify a rapist and murderer of two girls. People were starting to really like this new great