It is the most serious form of problem drinking, which causes a strong and frequently uncontrollable, want to drink. Those who suffer from alcoholism or alcohol dependence, will commonly put drinking above other commitments such as work and family (ref), which is upsetting as they should be some of the most important aspects of your life. There is a long list of both short and long-term effects of alcohol intoxication. Possible short-term effects of alcohol include, but are not limited to, slurred speech, drowsiness, vomiting, breathing difficulties, distorted vision and hearing, impaired judgment, decreased coordination and blackouts, where the drinker is unable to remember events while they have been consuming alcohol (Ref). Unlike the short-term effects, where the consequences of drinking large amounts are bearable, the long-term effects are not as dismissible. Some of the long-term effects of alcohol misuse consist of several cardiovascular illnesses, such as cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, increased blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia (Ref). Other possible long-term effects are cancer of the oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, bowel, stomach and breast, as well as liver disease (Ref). Musculoskeletal damage can also occur due to a decrease in bone mass and density …show more content…
They also have services based in regional areas of the state including the Barossa, Ceduna, Mount Gambier, Murray Bridge, Port Augusta, Port Lincoln, the Riverland, South Fleurieu Peninsula and the Yorke Peninsula. In their brochure DASSA also state that they will make “every effort to assist” someone who may need the information in a different language or format, suggesting they have the capacity and expertise to assist clients who may not be as fluent in the English language, which is delightful to