Affirmative Action Argumentative Essay

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Affirmative Action
In Shaw’s article he gives four arguments for affirmative action that are counter arguments to others. In this paper I will talk about one of his responses and why I disagree with it. I plan to argue that many companies do not want to hire people of other races, ethnicities, or genders because they may not trust these people for various reasons.
According to Shaw, affirmative action is designed to make the hiring process of companies more fair. It is supposed to make the process more equal for people who have before been denied the right to employment due to their race, gender or sexual orientation. It is used in helping to eliminate or reduce discrimination. It’s a program designed to make the hiring or the admittance of applicants more equal. The program will help women and/or different races to get job placements that, in the past were not possible to obtain because they were women or people from different races. This affirmative action program would help these minorities get treated more equally. Affirmative action is used to enlarge the pool of applicants and then
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For example, a women in a predominantly mans workforce, such as being an engineer, get treated completely different than the men do. These discriminations of a women can be due to not being a part of the “male” group or it can be do to a religious reason like believing that a women should be at home and not in the workforce. The women are not respected as much as the men and sometimes they are even treated as a joke. There are also people that do not like Muslims and will not work with them because of past stereotypes due to 9/11. Many people feel unsafe around Muslims and refuse to come in contact with them. This causes more conflict in the

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