Legal aid was therefore created in 1949, and Steel and Morris V United Kingdom [2005] 41 EHRR 22, established that state-funded legal representation is a limited right under Article 6 of the ECHR. Legal aid is one …show more content…
Lord Neuberger in the Tom Sargant Memorial Lecture in October 2013 recognised that costs for legal aid are too high, but also that there was a need for access to justice. Lord Neuberger went on to caution that in view of the rule of law, cost cutting should be scrutinised, as eligibility for legal aid has been progressively reduced and deprive the needy of protection. Neuberger also identified that there is a likelihood of people that are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford the expense of court proceedings are likely to drop their cases, therefore not having access to justice and denial of justice where not everyone is subject to the rule of law. Neuberger also said that where inefficient cases are perused, they can be inefficient, take up more court time and resultantly increase costs and