Living on campus gives them the advantage of staying late and working on group projects and just having to walk back to their dorm room. When students live off campus, they would not get these easy opportunities. They would have to pay for parking to get to the school and then have to drive back to their house. In one article, many students from the same college share their opinions on on campus housing and off campus housing. They tell what they think are the pros and cons of each living situation. The student who lives off campus talks about some disadvantages like having to ride a bike 10 blocks to get to the campus, and about how it sometimes can be an inconvenience. The student who lives on campus talks mostly about how much more convenient it is to live on campus. She talks about how you’re never bored because there is always something to do, you don’t have to wake up as early and you don’t have to pay for parking (Mettler, par. …show more content…
When a student lives on campus, it makes the transition from high school life to college life a lot simpler. Living on campus is cheaper, there are more amenities, it’s much safer and these students make better grades. A lot of people would say that when a student lives off campus, the gain more attributes of an adult life. While I do believe this is true, I would also like to state that we have the rest of our entire lives to be adults. Why wouldn’t someone want to be a child a little bit longer? I have also heard that there is much more privacy when living off campus, but in that case, sometimes they could be alone too much, and no one really likes to be alone. Without any doubt, I believe I have given much information about why I believe that all freshmen should live on