Adolf Hitler Research Paper

Superior Essays
“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise” (“Adolf Hitler Quote”). This renowned Adolf Hitler quote can be used to depict one of Hitler's many tactics he used during his dictatorship. Forcing his way to power in 1933 (Britannica School), he became one of the most loathed dictator and person throughout history. A dictator is known to forcefully obtain power and rule its people with harsh regulations. Hitler can evidently be described as a dictator taking in perspective his responsibility of the mass murder of 11 million innocent people and limitations to many ethnic groups in Germany. (Britannica School). Adolf Hitler came into power because of the …show more content…
He spent the majority of his childhood in Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. At only 21 years old, he lost both parents and already showed traits that personalized his his later life; solitariness and seclusion. Hitler never succeeded in academics and only attained a secondary education. (Britannica School). After visiting Vienna, Hitler desired becoming an artist and sought admission to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts but was rejected twice (Fredriksen, John C.). In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich and screened for military service in February 1914 however was denied for his physical inabilities. Despite this fact, once World War I began, he joined the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. In October 1914, Hitler was sent to Belgium to fight and was continuously used in the front lines. Hitler was applauded for being so valiant and heroic during the war, contrary to how he would be remembered for years to come. He was rewarded with Iron Crosses for the Second and First class. The war served as a positive outlook for Hitler, considering its relief of anguish in his noncombatant life. Serving in the war provided him with discipline and dominant behavior which helped him force his way from civilian life to becoming disciplinarian of …show more content…
Germany’s economic situation was improved dramatically. The Nazi Party revived the economy and lowered the unemployment rate by over five million in only six years. National production and income double during the time and highway systems began appearing all over the country. Also, the Germans made advancements in medicine and science and Germany’s military was quickly reborn again (C.N Trueman). With the use of propaganda, Hitler helped stimulate the economy with employment and gave the Nazi party a good name. Propaganda was Hitler’s best ploy. Propaganda allowed the Nazi Party to portray themselves in a positive way to the German population. Hitler’s colleague, Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. Goebbels official title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment. The persuasiveness of Goebbels’s propaganda made Hitler and his party seem promising and heroic. Goebbel ensured that no one in Germany would read anything that put the Nazi Party in a bad light (“Propaganda in Nazi Germany”). Hitler quote on propaganda

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