Research Article Summary
San Jose State University
Although many people have suggested that adolescent involvement in organized clubs or sports teams deters juvenile delinquency by building character, the observational data can be misinterpreted. In the article “The Influence of Physical Activities and Team Membership on Delinquent Behavior During High School,” authors April Denise Thames and Reuben Vaisman-Tzachor gather a sample group of 125 college students who have volunteered information about their involvement in some sort of group membership or individualized sport during high school. The article suggests that teen’s involvement in physical activities alone does not indicate ones involvement in delinquent behavior. This research should be considered inconclusive because it does not take into consideration factors such as self-perception, likelihood of criminal activity and environment.
The participants who disclosed pleasant impressions with their organized team had a lower chance to be involved with delinquency than those who reported negative impressions. The author’s suggest that the individual participating in the team or group can get this positive impression by feeling like they have a significant role within the team. Here it is suggested that self-perception can affect an individual’s mindset regarding their sense of belonging. Within …show more content…
Essentially, there is an increase in criminal acts involving juvenile delinquents. Research done on gang membership has shown that a gang member feels a similar connection with their fellow gang mates that an athlete feels towards their teammates. This sense of comfort contributes to which path the individual decides to follow: gang members influencing peers to participate in criminal acts or teammates encouraging one another to do their