In the story of the Iliad (Greek Mythology) it does not explain what happened to Achilles. Other legends say that he returned to Troy after Hector’s funeral for more revenge. Apollo helped Hector’s brother Paris by telling him Achilles was coming and Paris hid and ambushed Achilles by shooting an arrow to place where Achilles was vulnerable which was his heel. Achilles died on the spot, still being the most fierce undefeated warrior. While stories say that Achilles died of his one weakness, his heel, he really died because of a series of events that began when he was loyal to his commander and gave up his wife. If he had not given her up and hid away in his tent, he would have continued the battle and won the war, so Achilles heel was his
In the story of the Iliad (Greek Mythology) it does not explain what happened to Achilles. Other legends say that he returned to Troy after Hector’s funeral for more revenge. Apollo helped Hector’s brother Paris by telling him Achilles was coming and Paris hid and ambushed Achilles by shooting an arrow to place where Achilles was vulnerable which was his heel. Achilles died on the spot, still being the most fierce undefeated warrior. While stories say that Achilles died of his one weakness, his heel, he really died because of a series of events that began when he was loyal to his commander and gave up his wife. If he had not given her up and hid away in his tent, he would have continued the battle and won the war, so Achilles heel was his