In the book, Dr. Potter mentioned that the low social economical class had the higher rate of intimate partner abuse than the working class than the middle class (2008). The low-income family not only have higher financial stress for supporting living expense, and also combined with drug or alcohol addition which is an expensive lifestyle that the majority of them could not afford. …show more content…
Moreover, the low income and the working class have been reported that they would have multiple types of domestic violence in on family union and especially for the physical abuse (Potter, 2008). For example, the case of Billie, she is not only suffering from physical abuse, but also the verbal, emotional and sexual abuse during her relationship. Billie shared her story that her boyfriend beat her on the face and sometimes will force her to have annulled sex that she was unwilling for it (Potter, 2008). On the other hand, the middle class is more likely use verbal and mental abused rather than physical abuse. According to the Dr. Potter, she found out that there is no significant difference for verbal and emotional abuse in socioeconomic class but physical abuse has higher performance in low social economic and working