A mother is now able to view inside of the womb and see the child’s heartbeat and gender. This is done by ultra sound (US) technology and can be seen in 2-D, 3-D and 4-D. It is even possible to see the child in color. The mother can see the living child inside her. The ultra sound serves as a window to the womb (Boucher 2004). …show more content…
From 1970 to 1972 Dr. Nathanson was in charge of New York City, New York Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health. He called it the largest abortion facility in the western world at that time. Dr. Nathanson was one of the founders the National Abortion Rights Action League in New York City according to Zhang 2012. He has since changed his stance on abortion due to the US technology. With the invention of the US, Dr. Nathanson and other abortionist were able to see what was actually going on during the abortion. Dr. Nathanson describes the medical procedure as extremely brutal and violent. “The unborn child is being torn part, dismembered, disarticulated, crushed, and destroyed by the unfeeling steel instrument of the abortionist” (Dr. Nathanson The Silent Scream video 1982). With the breakthrough of the US, the medical procedure that took place in the uterus was visualized for the first time. In the movie The Silent Scream Dr. Nathanosn describes the termination of the pregnancy and we are able to see the procedure inside the womb as it takes place. After viewing the US video the abortionist conducting the procedure as well as the mother and the nurse changed their stance on …show more content…
In Hong Kong a study was conducted with teens that were pregnant. The study was conducted with nine participants and it shows that the pregnant teen would usually approach the boyfriend first regarding the pregnancy. The father of the baby significantly influenced the teen with regards to her pregnancy. In this case, four out of the five chose to have the abortion. The teens stated the decision was because of the bad relationship with the boyfriend (Yuen & Pui-ling 2014). Three of the teens had decided to co-parent with the boyfriend because they had received support from the boyfriend. Only one teen in the study decided to become a single parent. If the teen could not get support from their boyfriend then family advice was sought. In cases where the teen lived with her mother, advice was sought and the teen’s mother would recommend an abortion. The advice was because the teen was too young to be a mother. Teens would also turn to other relatives such as grandmothers, aunts or cousins. In Hong Kong the unmarried teen with a fatherless child faces a social dishonor and judgment unless the teens decide to get married. (Yuen & Pui-ling