Phase V - return to sport, usually at six months
o Patient must meet all the criteria for return to sports o No soft tissue or range of motion complaints o Physician must clear the patient to resume full activities o The goal is safe return to sports o Education of patient about possible limitations o Maintenance of strength, endurance, and proprioception o Functional bracing may be recommended for the first one to two …show more content…
According to Emery Healthcare, during the first part of the rehab process the following exercises are examples of the exercises that will be performed: heel slides, quad sets, knee extension, and straight leg raise (abduction). A diagram of these exercises are included on the attached document. After swelling has gone down and range of motion starts coming back, these exercises can be performed: wall squat with a physioball, balance exercises on a physical therapist’s wobble board, and terminal knee extension. Straight line running can be done anywhere from 2-6 months depending on how the recovery process is going. The goal for return to play and full recovery is usually six months but can be longer especially if the ACL has been injured more than