Situated here remaining for my dad to pick me up from Brandeis High School,
I reach the thought that I really infatuate the Physical Training (PT) Team and it is pretty cool.
There are so many memories that we create,
The environment of friendliness is what makes it so great.
In fact, PT encounters other teams at all sorts of competitions,
When I am allowed to compete, there are no hard decisions.
I always compete when I obtain the chance,
But I have to make girls’ team 1 and then I receive the ability to advance.
I have always made every competition, but it’s no easy feat,
I have to compete in a push-up, sit-up, and running assessment in order to make a meet.
There are also other competitors I am up against for …show more content…
“Don’t go over to the drill team!” The PT Team pled,
“We want you on the PT team because you all are good!” They said.
Luckily, we didn’t notice her yet,
Victoria, Emma, and I received our food, which we soon started to regret.
The girl spotted the three of us as we sat down,
Alondra, an older PT member, joined us and we stared at each other and started to frown.
We knew what was coming and we were ready,
She interrogated us, “Are you committed to the PT Team already?”
She then questioned, “Have you even considered the Blue Aces?”
I answered, “We are committed and we love PT from the push-ups to the races.”
She started remarking about how amazing it is to be a Blue Ace,
But while she mentioned, we looked at Alondra’s face.
There wasn’t light in her brown eyes as she ordered, “Leave them alone and let them choose!”
The previous Blue Ace then attempted to make up an excuse.
Alondra would not listen to the conversation any more,
She trudged away, but I knew I just had to declare something like I answered before.
I announced to her, “We love PT and there is nothing that can cause us to change our choice.”
She muttered, “Sorry,” and when she left we began to