“A Tale of Two Airlines” is a short article written by Christopher Elliot. Elliot, a well-known author and journalist, writes for National Geographic Traveler, MSNBC, Tribune Media Services and the Washington Post and is an experienced traveler. “A Tale of Two Airlines” was published in National Geographic Traveler in the December 2012/ January 2013 issue, which is significant because these months are very busy months in terms of travel. People fly regularly during these months because of the holidays. In this article, Elliot compares and contrasts two major airlines: Southwest Airlines and Spirit Airlines. According to Elliot, Southwest is known for its customer service and higher prices, while Spirit is known for its low rates and poor customer service. This essay will discuss Elliot’s point of view on the subject and the evidence he uses to support his claims.
In Elliot’s article, he suggests Southwest Airlines is the better of the two airlines. This is evident in the language that is used in “A Tale of Two Airlines.” Elliot uses a negative and melancholy …show more content…
He says that “Spirit enjoys playing the villain as much as Southwest likes being the hero” (Elliot 43). This is the case because Spirit is still just as financially profitable as Southwest. Some people would prefer lower costs over great customer service. There is a catch though. Southwest may be pricier but their rates are all inclusive and have no hidden costs like Spirit Airline does. Spirit has many “fees” and “restrictions” that eventually start to add up (Elliot 42). Elliot’s final claim in the article “A Tale of Two Airlines” is that the customers have the choice. Whether they prefer cheap or friendly, they can make the decision for themselves in deciding which airline they want to fly