First, I think that it would be beneficial to directly observe elephants in their natural environment. Many studies I have read utilize GPS tracking systems to analyze their behavior. While technology may aid in observing their behavior, I feel that it would be beneficial to use direct observations to see how they act without any interruptions of technology. I question whether or not the GPS tracker itself had an impact on how the animals behave. I also think that it is important to avoid studying elephants that have had previous training to eliminate any biases. Many elephants in captive settings have been trained for other research, which can affect how they perform. Next, I believe that further research needs to be conducted on elephant emotion. It is extremely difficult to know what an animal is thinking and feeling, and to say that elephants feel a certain way may not be true. For example, although researchers say elephants can cry, this might not be what they are
First, I think that it would be beneficial to directly observe elephants in their natural environment. Many studies I have read utilize GPS tracking systems to analyze their behavior. While technology may aid in observing their behavior, I feel that it would be beneficial to use direct observations to see how they act without any interruptions of technology. I question whether or not the GPS tracker itself had an impact on how the animals behave. I also think that it is important to avoid studying elephants that have had previous training to eliminate any biases. Many elephants in captive settings have been trained for other research, which can affect how they perform. Next, I believe that further research needs to be conducted on elephant emotion. It is extremely difficult to know what an animal is thinking and feeling, and to say that elephants feel a certain way may not be true. For example, although researchers say elephants can cry, this might not be what they are