The short absence I took opened my eyes to how much I really do love school and love getting further educated. Not being able to be in school changed my whole perspective on how I need to go about life and my education, but also my attitude has changed and I have become much more motivated to succeed in everything I do. The first chance I had when I returned to Topeka from summer break I contacted the reinstatement advisor so I could start the process as soon as possible. I met with her at her soonest appointment time so I could fully grasp what I needed to do, and what my options were. During our meeting I explained to her that I had spent the last three months trying to figure out ways to be more successful in school. After tremendous thought I have found ways so that I will find the right balance next semester, if I am granted an opportunity for a second chance. I will use the resources Washburn so graciously provides their students, like tutors and the writing lab. I will also participate in the STAR program because I feel that will also help me succeed with finding the right balance in my classes and provide other helpful information. I will also create a set schedule of study time to better improve not only my study habits but also my time management skills. I am also planning on hiring a tutor for my more difficult classes to give me any extra help I can get to better understand the material. I …show more content…
It made me grow up and learn to take responsibility for my actions. Although it has been a negative experience it has given me a more positive outlook on life and how lucky I am to have been given such a great opportunity to further my education, and how it has opened my eyes to not take things to granted and only I can take the blame for not succeeding. The only way to fix a wrong is to make a change and I am more than prepared for the work I have ahead of me, and I am so eager to see how far this motivation will take