Homosexual marriage is a relationship of two people of the same sexuality being married. In my opinion, everyone should be given the option to marry whoever they want. Happiness is the most important thing of all. Despite knowing better, denying homosexuals the right to marry is discrimination, unconstitutional, and will cause homosexuals stress Denying homosexuals the right to marry is discrimination, unconstitutional An advantage of legalizing homosexual marriage is the child adoption rate will increase. A second advantage is same-sex marriages will bring a financial gain to governments, agencies and other facilities. Denying homosexuals the right to marry may also cause stress and lead to more depression. Firstly, denying same-sex couples the opportunity to marry is discrimination and unconstitutional. For instance, If a woman wants to marry a man she is allowed to do so. However, if a man wants to marry a man he cannot. This is an example of sex discrimination. In some religions, such as Hinduism, homosexuality is not defined as a sin. They believe that each human has their own attraction to love and they do not discriminate based on same-sex partnership. In addition, homosexuality is considered the expression of human desire in Hindu. The first amendment of the United States Constitution gives all citizens the freedom of religion, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Take into consideration, if someone Hindu is denied marriage because they are homosexual this will go against their religions beliefs which is unconstitutional, and discrimination. Secondly, the legalization of homosexual couples being able to marry will increase the adoption rate. One option for homosexual couples to have children is to adopt an child. There are too many children living in adoption centers and in foster care that need to be adopted. It should not matter what the two adopters’ relationship and sexuality is. What should matter is whether or not the couple is capable of providing the child with a safe and caring …show more content…
In addition, since there are more marriages, this will possibly result in more divorces. The government will gain money from this because there are divorce fees they will have to pay. Fourthly, there are some effects of not legalizing same sex marriage that can happen to homosexuals or members of LGBT mentally. Taking away their right to marry will most likely build up stress. As a result, this may lead to depression and thoughts of committing suicide. “The rate of suicide attempts is 4 times greater for homosexual youth and 2 times greater for questioning youth than that of heterosexual youth. Suicide attempts by homosexual youth are 4 to 6 times more likely to result in an injury, poisoning, or overdose, compared to their heterosexual peers. Almost half of young transgender people have thought about taking their lives, and 25 percent report having made a suicide attempt before ( DeAngelis, T.,
2002, February, New data on lesbian, gay and bisexual mental health).” In conclusion, marriage is an important part of life that everyone should be given the opportunity to enjoy with whoever they want, no matter what