The school would help children have more knowledge, gain more skills to them and make them be successful in…
I am sending you this letter as a professional reference for Sandy Spinelli. I had the pleasure of working with Sandy at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, about seven years ago, where she worked as a Membership Coordinator. While Sandy really enjoyed working at the AASM, she left to pursue other avenues that would help her to grow professionally. Sandy possesses outstanding office and administrative skills necessary to administer any project and/or task. She has an incredible eye for detail and she also possesses exceptional computer skills.…
Dear Selection Committee, I am writing this essay to express my strong desire to be considered for membership in the National Junior Honor Society. I believe that my skills in creativity, social interaction, academic excellence, and helping others make me a deserving candidate for this prestigious organization. First and foremost, my creativity sets me apart from my peers. I have always had a knack for thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions to problems. Whether it's through my artwork, writing, or problem-solving skills, I strive to bring a fresh perspective to everything I do.…
Please accept this cover letter and resume as my application for the position of a CO-OP student within your restaurant. I believe I am a good choice because I am a very respectful student and whatever task you give me will be done to the best of my abilities. I am in the CO-OP program at Earl Haig Secondary School and am interested in working for you. Having me there will not cost you any money, therefore there is no downside to having me work in your restaurant. I am currently in my last year of high school at Earl Haig Secondary School.…
Paper #2 – Critical Evaluation of Dalton’s Citizenship Measures Generations of the American people faithfully participate in government policy because it is an honor and privilege to engage in the fundamentals of our country’s political democracy. In The Good Citizen, Russel J. Dalton explores good citizenship and how it affects the country. Also, Dalton focuses on the millennials, and challenges those that do not care about the country. Dalton further analyzes how the norms have changed over the past decades. Dalton’s ideas on American citizenship are interesting and somewhat engaging, which I find myself mostly agreeing with.…
The donor should build an movie thearter so the young people can have some all year around. Unlike an art school, swimming pool, and a skate board park. some of those are boring and you can't be there in winter but a movie theater can be in any weather and can be exciting. Like art school it is boring because it's school young people need freedom and vacations too! A swimming pool and a skateboard park are fun but when winter come it will be closed.…
The group was founded in 1988 by Betsy Van Dyke of Guerneville. After she saw a neighbor struggling with a the critical illness of AIDS she knew she needed to step in to help him in his deteriorated condition (Our History) . The AIDS virus affects all of the body, it weakens the immune system heavily and affects the entire body. When muscles and motor functions become impaired many begin to suffer psychologically and develop depression (Eight Side Effects). When Betsy saw this happening to her neighbor with the illness it inspired her to help people all over Sonoma County also suffering in the same way.…
1. Yes! Dawn adheres to the guidelines noted in the writing cover letter lessons. She had all the important parts such as her name with her address, the date when she wrote the letter, the name and the address of the recipients, salutation, body of the paragraph etc.…
A YMCA would keep kids out of trouble and supervised. Also, it would keep kids active, healthy, and fit. Lastly, kids can meet up with their friends or random people and practice sports. Although some people might argue that building a YMCA is too expensive there are many ways to make it affordable.…
Dear Dr. Homsy, My name is Jonathan Herrera. I am a student from Magnolia High School seeking an interview for MIT undergraduate admissions. MIT admissions contacted me to notify that you were the Educational Counselor assigned to interview me. I am available anytime on weekends and on weekdays anytime after 3:00 p.m. can be arranged with rare exceptions.…
A Modest Proposal, a famous satire written by Jonathan Swift cunningly tells of the tragedy that is taking place in Ireland. Swift’s descriptive storytelling and whimsical tone bring life to this satire. These two reasons are why I chose to use A Modest Proposal as my text to analyze. To have a better understanding of how to analyze this satire the literary element of my choosing will be style, tone, and irony. Style, tone, and irony each have specific distinct ways to allude the reader to what is actually going on but ever so slightly.…
Final Portfolio Cover Letter I have always enjoyed writing so I feel like classes such as these help me more than others. Before I finish college I hope to take some sort of creative writing class as I feel as I haven’t given that opportunity much in recent years amidst constant essays on topic that I do not care about. As a writer I believe my biggest strength is that when I start writing I can keep writing almost until I have run out of things to write about or am interrupted for some reason. I also feel as though I’m very good at writing about things I am passionate about and if I care about a topic you will be able to clearly tell when reading what I wrote.…
As a result, all our children can relax, advance academically, and enjoy what otherwise would be extremely stressful school year surrounded by older and more mature 7th and 8th grade students. 3.) Students get exposed to exploratories like Shop, Life Skills, Art, and Technology. 4.) All students in the Alden building have the opportunity to be leaders, role models, and educational partners with our youngest (Grade 1-3) children.…
I am the general manager at Colonnade hotel. I would to thank you for having a prepaid reservation with our hotel last week. However, I truly apologize for the inconvenience that you and your family had to experience. As you might know customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we would do anything in our power to keep costumers satisfied and pleased.…
I would build it two stories tall, seperate it in wings, have a two story tall libary and gym, would have a parking garage connected to the school. I would have it two stories to help with congestion and too divide grade levels. I would seperate the school into wings, so that the students and teachers aren 't runinng from run side of the school to the other for the same class. The…