The purpose of this research is to take a holistic approach by examining results in one industry, thus allowing higher internal validity. In order to ensure that this study makes use and compliments the existing literature in the field a combination of multiple data-capture techniques have been employed to increase validity (Saunders et al., 2009). The use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods will allow enhanced overall reliability by triangulating findings so that should the research be conducted again, results will be eminently comparable (Saunders et al., 2009). Collis and Hussey (2009) define a case study as, “a methodology that is used to explore a single phenomenon in a natural setting... to obtain in-depth knowledge”. Using a combination of case studies from existing literature and comparing results from a conducted preliminary case study will help improve results. Furthermore, combining the findings with a questionnaire will incorporate quantitative research into the overall results and analysis. Measuring business size Due to time and financial restrictions on this project a sample of three businesses will be used. The business will consist of a micro business with fewer than ten employees, a SME with more than ten but fewer than fifty employees and a large business with over than two hundred and fifty employees. The rational in the choice of this measurement is for simplicity regarding the information needed being easy to access. Although this could raise concerns around generalizability, the businesses used and the fast food market are highly homogeneous and complimentary. Additionally, using employee density relates closely with the existing literature covered. Other forms of measurement could have been revenue, capital employed, market share or customer density. Each of these forms of measurement would have proved difficult to accurately obtain the information without being subject to complex ethical issues. Collecting accurate data on each businesses revenue and capital employed figures would involve requesting financial proof. For smaller businesses, this information – if they were not a limited company – would be confidential and unlikely be in the owners interests to disclose. Although using market share would be an accurate and relevant measurement for this project, the sample of businesses used would be exorbitantly high resulting in lack of time and resources to accurately conduct the research. Measuring service quality For measuring the quality of service, a questionnaire was designed based on the widely accepted DINESERV model and adapted so that each question focused on explored and accepted areas of customer service (Appendix 1). …show more content…
Questions were asked on each area of customer service, which included reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, empathy, credibility and tangibles. The final question was used to incorporate the results from the previous nine questions. The questionnaire was made up of a total of ten questions all based on a Likert scale. Participants could answer using scales varying from, strongly disagree (=1) to strongly agree (=5). The rational for this choice of questionnaire was due to the adaptability of the questions in order to specifically suit the purpose of this project. Basing the core ideology around the DINESERV model but focusing the questions on areas of customer service that could vary given the various size of a business should improve validity. A limitation of this form of data collection has been noted by Saunders (2009) who highlights that, quantitative methods deliberately simplify respondents’ answers into pre-determined categories, preventing participants’ expression, reducing richness in the data. Moreover, questionnaires are often subject to the personal opinions and personal perceptions of the respondent. In light of these limitations, the questionnaires design allows all areas of the research intended elements to be addressed with sufficient space for feedback in the Likert scale. Increasing the depth or participants’ expressions could lead to extensive data, which would in turn be too difficult to analyse and interpreted given the time of the project. Furthermore, receiving extensive data would also lead to the possibility that the results and analysis could be incorrectly interpreted, thus reducing validly and richness. Existing studies Aforementioned, the use of existing theories in the related field has been adopted to further improve reliability and validity. Conducting deductive research by examining existing theories and incorporating them into the empirical observation will allow