Professor E. Buchanan
English 73X TH PM
19 September 2016
A Blast From The Past In Education Education can be challenging, but as for others it can be quite intriguing. Learning new materials every day for myself, made it hard for me to comprehend everything all at once. Carol S. Dweck, author of Brainology agrees when he states “Different beliefs, or mindsets, create different psychological worlds: one in which students are afraid of challenges and devastated by setbacks” (1). I was afraid of the new challenges school had to offer, because teachers made me feel like a failure. While other teachers helped me overcome setbacks, by recreating my beliefs and mindset. All I knew was I needed to cultivate my understanding into something …show more content…
I learned that a fixed mindset rejects learning new ideas. While a growth mindset is willing to learn and work harder than others. As the semester began, I knew I had a fixed mindset because, “at the core of different expressions of fear, however, were the same feelings of dread and the apprehension that success in college would prove to be an unrealizable dream” (26) (Cox). I figured that I wouldn’t be smart enough to be in college. Once I enrolled in college and began my first semester I began to think like an exact fixed minded person would. I rejected learning new ideas, so I chose not to do my first assignment that was assigned to me as homework. I didn’t do my first assignment because I thought it was too hard, when in reality all I had to do was try. A way in which I will transition into developing a growth mindset is by trying to learn and work hard in class. I not only learned about different mindsets, but also new view points on genes and the …show more content…
Genes and the environment are two huge things that play a major role in everyone’s lives. According to David Shenk, author of The Genius in All of Us agrees when he points out “the environment has an impact on all our lives, to be sure, but genes come first; they set specific lower and upper limits of each person’s potential abilities” (18). In making this comment, made me develop a new viewpoint on the environment and genes. Reason is because the environmxent impacts everyone in a matter in which genes don’t. Genes don’t impact people’s lives because they are already created in us from the day we are born. Considering what I’ve learned about genes and the environment I know that I still have a lot to learn here at Porterville