Making use of children’s interests to provide engaging and meaningful learning experiences is important , these will be things that we know are important for children to learn.Focusing on children’s interests should not lead to the assumption that children are best placed to make all the decisions about what we do, or to see ourselves as passive observers of children’s learning. When materials are intentionally chose and organised, they can get interest of children’s exploration, curiosity, thinking, problem solving and can very well set the stage for lifelong learning . Our materials in play have a complex structure as an example CD’s hanged on the tree, we used the dried leaves to connect CD’s together, children can see reflection of any items around and themselves also we have a mixture of natural and unnatural materials, it provokes child’s curiosity and inquiry about combining different kind of materials. Engaging children with natural materials in outdoors allow children to strengthen their sense and gain understanding natural world . Outdoor playground provides lots of scope to run, climb, swing, explore and play imaginary games. Being outdoors encourages all types of free play and helps children understand their environment. With careful planning however, play environments can be challenging and safe for children. Most children always enjoy having relationships with animals and plants around them. These materials that are open ended and complexity of materials engage children interests and help them complex learning that we know how important it is. The materials we used (leaves,CD’s,sticks,marbles ,feathers, colourful marbles) supports open-ended play allows children to express themselves in play freely and carefully. Playing with open ended materials such as leaves, feathers, sand, sticks allow for imaginative play also help s think symbolically and abstractly builds creativity
Making use of children’s interests to provide engaging and meaningful learning experiences is important , these will be things that we know are important for children to learn.Focusing on children’s interests should not lead to the assumption that children are best placed to make all the decisions about what we do, or to see ourselves as passive observers of children’s learning. When materials are intentionally chose and organised, they can get interest of children’s exploration, curiosity, thinking, problem solving and can very well set the stage for lifelong learning . Our materials in play have a complex structure as an example CD’s hanged on the tree, we used the dried leaves to connect CD’s together, children can see reflection of any items around and themselves also we have a mixture of natural and unnatural materials, it provokes child’s curiosity and inquiry about combining different kind of materials. Engaging children with natural materials in outdoors allow children to strengthen their sense and gain understanding natural world . Outdoor playground provides lots of scope to run, climb, swing, explore and play imaginary games. Being outdoors encourages all types of free play and helps children understand their environment. With careful planning however, play environments can be challenging and safe for children. Most children always enjoy having relationships with animals and plants around them. These materials that are open ended and complexity of materials engage children interests and help them complex learning that we know how important it is. The materials we used (leaves,CD’s,sticks,marbles ,feathers, colourful marbles) supports open-ended play allows children to express themselves in play freely and carefully. Playing with open ended materials such as leaves, feathers, sand, sticks allow for imaginative play also help s think symbolically and abstractly builds creativity