Vegeeterian Religion: Why Prayer Is Right For Human

Great Essays
62. Is there any COMMUNICATION with DEAD?
63. Why Prayer is Necessity and what is Power behind PRAYER FOR THE OTHERS?
64. How to remove Irrational Fears, especially The Fear of Death?
65. Why Is Cosmos Infinitive Not Finite?
66. How to be HEALTHY IN OLD AGE?
67. What is Origin of ADDICTION?
68. Reasons for Change in Sex and Social Status?
69. Why Dark Karma in Childhood?
70. Cosmetic Surgeries from Cosmology Aspect?
71. What are Repercussion of Genetically Modified Food?
72. Stone, Water, Air and Spirit?
73. Sensuality and Sexuality from Martinus Vision?
74. Contraception Yes or No? Cosmic Disadvantages of Artificial Fertilization?
75. Why People Experience Own Life as SLAVES?
76. Who are so called ‘INDIGO CHILDREN' from Cosmology Point of View?
77. In Final Cosmic Analysis All is ‘Empty’…We Must Not Feel Empty?
78. What is ‘Astral Aura’ and what is ‘Cosmic Aura’?
• The ‘Astral Aura’ & ‘Cosmic Aura’ should not be confused with each other.
• ‘Astral aura’ that can be visualized by some clairvoyant individuals is just a SCREEN for a ‘Cosmic Aura’.
• The ‘Cosmic Aura’ is HIDDEN behind that SCREEN, and represents the special cosmic HALO around individuals -THE COSMIC RADIANCE, as
…show more content…
79. Who Is Idealist?
80. Where Our Will is Coming From, How we Direct our Will?
81. What is Origin of ANIMOSITY? (Article ‘What is Animosity?)
82. Why is Nature ‘Huge Caressing’?
83. What is the Power which liberates from ears and Depression?
84. How Martinus Did Unite Darwin & Intelligent Design?
85. Why Not to Believe, Why We MUST KNOW?
86. Woman in Man and Vice Versa?
87. What is Cosmic ‘Plastic Surgery’?
88. Physical and Spiritual Hunger?
89. Criticizing Yes or No and WHY?
90. Why NOT NUCLEAR in Anything?
91. How Domesticated Animals Function from Cosmic Aspect?
93. What Cross Sign Symbolizes

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