Theme Of Persecution In The Crucible

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Written in the 1940's, Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible explores the hysteria, persecution, and lack of due process that characterized the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. Arguably, the themes explored in this play resonate With many modern and historical events. Arthur Miller himself saw strong connections between the events Salem Witch Trials and events surrounding the Red Scare in the 1950s. When juxtaposed with the events of the Crucible, themes of hysteria, persecution, and lack of due process also emerged from the study of Fear and Persecution in Erdogan's Turkey.
The horrors of history are passed on from generation to generation in hopes that they will never occur again. Turkey has had five successful military coups since 1923 when the Republic
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One example of is Erdogan talks about intellectuals and talks about the peace petition they're handing out is a criminal a act he said “the academics who signed the petition were “shadowy” instead of being “enlightened,” and to him, those “so-called intellectuals” were merely tools of propaganda of the “terrorist” Kurdistan Workers Party. What they had committed was “treachery.””().This is not the first time the president Criticizes people , the media for example is a common enemy of Erdogan because he doesn't want his people to know the things that go on in the country he wants to keep them in the dark but since the media is keeping up on what he's doing and how him and the government are being shady and they're setting rules out of nowhere and the people don't have a say in anything that goes on. In the Article, Turkey’s bizarre witch hunt against the media it says, Turkey, the world’s worst offender of press freedom according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, now accounts for a third of journalists jailed globally. The Turkish government, however, rejects the accusation. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently insisted that his …show more content…
The people of Turkey need to step up and have to make their voices be heard so that they could at least their natural born rights because of that's something that they

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