Roe V. Wade Case

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In American history, the Supreme Court has passed laws that have assisted the well-being of all different types of people, though what is passed is not always received well by Americans. In January of 1973, the court case known as Roe versus Wade occurred. The decision of the case was pivotal for women and men alike. Though this was the first time that a large case related to abortion acted on by the Supreme Court, abortion was not an unheard of topic. Because of the women’s rights movement in the 1960’s, powerful uprises had previously occurred regarding abortion, including the question of if abortion is moral or not. According to Mark Y. Herring, the author of The Pro-Life/Choice Debate, that abortion during this time received more social …show more content…
Although the outcome of the case made so it that abortion was legal for women in America, state government officials were allowed to decide whether or not abortion would be legal in the state they governed. This created more hoops to jump through for women who were seeking abortions, especially when states severely limited access to the reproductive health care of women. However, making abortion illegal did not end the practice of them; many illegal abortions were performed then. Women knew about the severe danger and possibility of death when receiving an abortion during this time, yet many women still did seek abortions. Similarly today, access to abortion and reproductive health care for women is limited and controlled by the state more so the decision made during Roe versus Wade, which should not be the case. Abortion should be legal everywhere in the United States because women’s lives should not be put at risk. Women who are raped and subject to incestutal relations should not have to keep the child, and women have the right to make their own choices regarding their …show more content…
Abortion has happened for centuries now, if they were legal or not, and still continue today. Women receive these abortions because they the health of themselves or the fetus is at risk. Another reason why women could receive abortions is because they do not want to be tethered to memories of rape or incest because they have a child to remind them. Women also have a right to make their own decision when it comes to their bodies, which means if they feel an abortion is necessary then they should be able to receive one. While these are all components to why abortion should be legal there are negatives too; many people hold strong religious beliefs or moral codes which turn them away from abortion or because of the severe effects abortion pose on women. Though many people have many differing opinions or whether or not abortion should be legal, it is a woman’s right as an American citizen to make her own choice about her body and her

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