Should Women Be Allowed Access To Abortion

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Abortion is ending a pregnancy before the fetus is independently able to live outside of its mother. This can happen for various reasons depending on the individual at hand. The choice to have an abortion is solely up to the individual. An abortion takes place in the first trimester of pregnancy or the before the 12th week. There are different types of abortions and they depend on how far along the women is in pregnancy. A medical abortion occurs within the first 49 days of pregnancy and can be done without surgery. During this abortion, there are two different drugs used, methotrexate or mifepristone, which then could be followed by another drug called misoprostol. Although this procedure is done without surgery, it takes longer to work. In a surgical abortion, the vacuum aspiration or the suction method is the most common type of abortion. It is a surgical procedure that involves a mild sedation and can be performed within the first trimester of pregnancy (Brown, N). I chose this topic because I think that it is important to know about the process of abortion and the effects of it. …show more content…
Another thing is that should abortion be legal or illegal. Individuals who are for abortion state that it is a women’s right to decide if she does or not wish to carry through a pregnancy. The claim that by the government restricting access to abortion will only endanger the women’s health and set back women’s rights back by decades. On the opposing side, basically argues that abortion is murder. A fetus is a human being and past a certain stage of developing, it can feel. Aborting the fetus is simply murder. They agree and stand behind the states attempt to limiting abortions and believe that the federal government and the U.S Supreme Court should

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